
Donate Now

You can make a real difference to parishes, communities and individuals in Outback NSW by donating to the Catholic Diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes. Every amount you give will help Bishop Columba to support the people of this Diocese to meet the
challenges of this extraordinary community which covers over 52% of the land area of NSW, but which has no large regional economic centre from which to draw financial resources.

The Diocese has been through some difficult times but has great hope for a bright future. And we desire to share a particular and precious spirituality and resilience with all Australians.

You can support us to nurture a vibrant and life-giving future by entrusting Bishop Columba to support remote NSW. You can donate here – go to the Donation Button below for the use of Paypal – or you may prefer to donate via Direct Deposit to the following bank details: –  BSB: 082-105 Account Number: 001058754 Account Name: Diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes. Would you please make reference to where you would like your money to go, i.e. Drought Relief for Families, Lay Ministry, Support for Seminarians or Lessons From the Long Paddock.