By Baptism every Christian is given a mission to be a temple of the Holy Spirit (1Cor 6:13-20) and to live the adventure of the Gospel wherever it leads, building up the Church’s holiness and contributing to humanity’s quest for happiness. We call this vocation “the priesthood of all the faithful” (cf 1Pet 2:9) and we each express it in different ways.
How God is calling us?
Pope Francis said “God asks everything of us, yet at the same time he offers everything to us.” Most vocational journeys contain a few key moments when the lord’s invitation to “come follow me” is heard as a direct and personal call to a heart. This call is mediated gradually in prayer, through events in our personal history, inward reflection on own abilities and desires, through people and nature. God uses variety of ways to convey his invitation. We need to pay our attention and trust God. Listen with your heart, not just your head!