Youth & Young Adults

Diocese of Wilcannia Forbes Youth Office

The Diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes Youth Office collaborates with clergy and parish committees as well as parish school communities to promote a culture of youth discipleship in the Diocese. The Youth Office provides resources and training to assist parishes in drawing young people into participation in the life and mission of the Church.

Parish Youth Groups

Youth activities are held regularly in a number of parishes throughout the Diocese. All activities provide an excellent atmosphere for participants to build strong friendships with one another in a fun environment, as well as giving them the opportunity to grow in faith and build personal relationships with God.

See Youth Facebook Pages for further information about Parish Youth Groups.




Year of Youth

The Australian Bishops have identified the liturgical year of 2018, beginning on the first Sunday of Advent (3rd December 2017), as a national Year of Youth.

For more information visit the Year of Youth official website.


Diocesan Youth Office

Phone: 6853 9340