Pastoral Parish Council
A Pastoral Council consists of the priest together with a group of parishioners chosen by the parish community. Their work involves:
Members for 2020: Bishop Columba, Fr Simon, Paula Leadbitter, Therese
Newell, Erica Langley, Stephen Dwyer, Glenn Pereira, Mal Goodwin, Margaret Green, Mike Sutcliffe, Tom McKeown, Paula Gordon.
- Enriching the quality of parish life
- Searching out and responding to the hopes, ideas, needs and concerns of parishioners, to grow in knowledge and awareness of what is already happening in the parish
- Encouraging and supporting the good work of exiting groups within the parish
- Contribute to decisions that reflect the values of the gospel and the teachings of the Church
- setting short-term and long-term pastoral goals for the parish
- Ensuring that opportunities are provided for parishioners to grow in holiness and to discover and lie out a personal and community call to mission to live as Catholics who effective transform society
Parish Finances
Parish Finance Council
The Finance Committee is comprised of members of the parish appointed by the Priest. They assist with financial policies for the Parish, prepare an annual budget of income and expenditure for the coming year and present recommendations regarding the financial management of the parish.
Members: Bishop Columba, Father Simon, Murray, Field, Margaret Green,
Carolyn Duncan, Mike Sutcliffe, Maryanne Tinlin
First and second collection. What is the difference?
The first collection is forwarded to the Wilcannia-Forbes Diocese for the Support of all the priests for the diocese, for their living expenses, i.e. Food and housekeeping.
The second collection together with the planned giving envelopes are for maintenance, insurance, electricity, liturgical needs, salaries (except priest stipend, see first collection), repayment of loans, sacramental formation, and pastoral programs.
Ways to contribute
- Cash donations in the second collections basket
- Weekly Envelopes which are placed in the second collection basket each weekend during Mass
- Direct Debit transactions for planned giving from your bank account to the parish account:
Bank: Armidale Diocesan Investment Group
Account No. 0010589929
BSB No. 082-105
Branch: Armidale
Other Parish Ministries
We have a fantastic congregation and many are involved in the running of the parish. Listed below are some of the works and ministries our parishioners undertake, for the maintenance of the church and the liturgy.
Church cleaning roster – This roster provides a clean worship area for our parishioners. The Church is vacuumed and cleaned on a weekly basis.
Church Linen & Sanctuary – The linen is carefully laundered and ironed by parishioners who are rostered on twice a year. Anyone who would like to join this roster please contact Peg Parker on 6851 2049.
Welcoming Roster – The welcoming team aims to create a welcoming environment for all. they endeavour to identify new peope at Mass and make them feel part of the Parish Community. These ministers hand out the bulletin before all weekend Masses and are rostered monthly. Anyone who would like to join this ministry please contact Therese Newell on 6851 2792 or John Smith on 6852 1571.
Commentators, Readers Roster – If you are interested in commentating or reading please contact the Parish Office.
Counting Roster – A team on a Monday counts the first, second and special collections.
Floral Arrangements – Floral displays are arranged and placed in the church on a regular basis. Anyone who would like to help is welcome to join. Please contact Margaret Toohey on 6851 1787 on Wendy Adams on 6852 2812.
Knights of the Southern Cross (Forbes branch) – they are mentioned here because they offer various services in the parish, at any time we need. And their members are active parishioners offering their gifts for God and his people.
This men’s group meets every second month on the first Tuesday at 7pm at the Vandenberg Hotel for dinner followed by a meeting. Anyone interested in joining this group please contact John Smith on 6852 1751.